FraughtMovie, Governor of Caveton, has announced a new realm coming to Caveton. He held a vote on what the realm should be about. The winner was Town Roleplay. FraughtMovie and a few members are brainstorming how to make this into a realm. They don't want to rely on moderators to be active at all times, so they require it to be entirely automated. With the limitations of Minecraft command blocks, this limits the scope of the new realm. If the Town Roleplay idea doesn't work, they will turn to regular survival. We have yet to see what FraughtMovie will create for the realm.
LostNuke. The name of a generation 10 Fraughtian, known for creating the main bots used in the community. CreditBank, F-Connect, and F-Time are all creations by LostNuke. CreditBank is the main transaction system for the community. It allows members to keep, pay, and shop with their Community Credits. F-Connect manages the global chat system. Global chat is a single channel where all participating Fraughtian regions can chat together, without needing to get a safe pass. F-Connect can support multiple channels, so there can be a general chat, a mature discussion, etc. F-Time manages the clock you see in most Fraughtian Servers. The clock is set in "Fraughtian Standard Time", which is identical to Central Time in the US. It is a simple bot, but a very useful one. It allows there to be a default time zone for everything. LostNuke joined the community in the Minecraftia Region. He quickly became a trusted member, and was elevated to the role of "consul" in Minecraftia. ...
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