After the improper handling of Dragon's Den's referendum to leave the community, Fraughtian President, FraughtMovie, removed Raymes as an Electoral Juror, and invited 3 different people to become Electoral Jurors. This new Electoral Jury was responsible for hearing the case of Raymes vs. the Fraughtian President. Both sides brought their arguments, and it was up to the Electoral Jury to decide. Electoral Juror, JackTheGamingGuy made the final verdict. Raymes lost his position as EJ, Raymes has conditional membership, and is subject to a tier 2 ban from the Fraughtian Community. A tier 2 ban has a duration of 24 hours. Electoral Juror JackTheGamingGuy gave his reasoning: "Under section 3 of the Terms for Annexation. Not allowing the vote to end, and not being impartial is not proper procedure."
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