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Showing posts from June, 2020

Electoral Jury Votes to Change ROTC and Interprets Annexation Terms

The Electoral Jury was asked to interpret the Terms for Annexation after Dragon's Den left the Fraughtian Community. Electoral Juror JackTheGamingGuy decided on June 25, both the interpretation of the Terms for Annexation, and voted to change the wording of section 3.3. in the ROTC. This decision establishes precedent for future regions leaving the Fraughtian Community. Regions will only need 66.6% of the votes in their referendum to leave the community. Previously the Fraughian President interpreted it as 66.6% of the total server's members, but understood the confusion with the term "population", which made him turn to the EJ for assistance. 

New Realm Opening in Caveton

FraughtMovie, Governor of Caveton, has announced a new realm coming to Caveton. He held a vote on what the realm should be about. The winner was Town Roleplay. FraughtMovie and a few members are brainstorming how to make this into a realm. They don't want to rely on moderators to be active at all times, so they require it to be entirely automated. With the limitations of Minecraft command blocks, this limits the scope of the new realm. If the Town Roleplay idea doesn't work, they will turn to regular survival. We have yet to see what FraughtMovie will create for the realm. 

Electoral Jury Gives Verdict on Raymes' Case Against Fraughtian President

After the improper handling of Dragon's Den's referendum to leave the community, Fraughtian President, FraughtMovie, removed Raymes as an Electoral Juror, and invited 3 different people to become Electoral Jurors. This new Electoral Jury was responsible for hearing the case of Raymes vs. the Fraughtian President. Both sides brought their arguments, and it was up to the Electoral Jury to decide. Electoral Juror, JackTheGamingGuy made the final verdict. Raymes lost his position as EJ, Raymes has conditional membership, and is subject to a tier 2 ban from the Fraughtian Community. A tier 2 ban has a duration of 24 hours. Electoral Juror JackTheGamingGuy gave his reasoning: "Under section 3 of the Terms for Annexation. Not allowing the vote to end, and not being impartial is not proper procedure."

Gaming Goodies - What to Learn from the most Successful YouTuber in Fraughtia.

Gaming Goodies is a YouTube channel managed by GayMerMan4REALZ, royal councillor of Caveton. The channel has over 1,000 subscribers, and is the most successful in the entire Fraughtian Community. With over 400 videos and streams, GayMerMan4REALZ has put in a lot of effort to his YouTube channel. He streams every week, which usually pulls in around 5-10 viewers at a time. He also uploads videos several times a week to his channel. His content surrounding treasure wars, and the Hive minigames get the most views, with his " Minecraft Treasure Wars Tips " being the most successful video at 5K views.  All of this success was reached in under a year. His first serious video was him playing through his "Fraughtian Anarchy" realm. In the 2 years since then, he has gained 1,000 subscribers, and 39K lifetime views. 

Ex-Electoral Juror Raymes Speaks out After the Fraughtian President gave his Message to the Community

Raymes Raymes got his status as Elector Juror revoked after he suggested to the leaders of Dragon Den to kick the Fraughtian President, instead of doing the proper referendum procedure. Fraughtian President, FraughtMovie, stated his intention of banning Raymes from the community in his message to the community . Raymes claims that he was never told the proper procedure for a referendum. In fact, Raymes explained that he didn't even know he was apart of the Electory Jury until the day of the vote.  With very little instruction, and not having the official rules, Raymes voiced his opinion in the main chat of Dragon's Den. Raymes, not knowing what to do, other than count the votes, didn't realize he was breaking any rules, until several members of congress informed him that the Fraughtian President had intentions to ban him from the Fraughtian Community.  Raymes Explaining his Side of the Issue