FraughtMovie, President of the Community, demanded by the 16th of June, that a decision was made on uniserverism. This comes after Dragon's Den started it's referendum to leave the community. Dragon's Den left the community due to the uniserverism rules being overly restrictive. This has sparked an even more heated debate in congress, ending with FraughtMovie making a quick message to the community.
Electoral Juror Suggesting to NOT hold an Election
Within Dragon's Den, Electoral Juror "Raymes" has suggested to their server that they should leave without a proper referendum. Raymes stated "but being tied down is cringe as hell. its your own server." This is against the official ROTC rules, which explicitly states that "Member clans can exit the Fraughtian Community with a vote by the EJ. 70% or more of the population must be in favor of leaving the community."
UPDATE: FraughtMovie has taken imminent domain and will be banning Raymes for breaking the ROTC.
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