Fraughtian President, FraughtMovie, has just announced that he is taking imminent domain, which entails dissolution of the congress temporarily. This means that FraughtMovie takes full power within the community and can take actions unchecked from congress until the imminent domain is over, in one week or less. This comes after Dragon's Den's referendum on leaving the community not being up to protocol, and with electoral juror Raymes breaking the rules and encouraging Developer Drago, leader of Dragon's Den, to kick FraughtMovie from the server. Raymes is getting banned from the community, you can find more about it in
our previous post.
New Electoral Jury
Bowman and ImmortalFern576, members of Caveton, and JackTheGamingGuy, were asked by FraughtMovie to be Electoral Jurors. We have yet to see what this new board of members will be tasked with.
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