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Jack Creates New Timelines for 2021

 To start off the year, Jack had made new timelines for Fraughtia. As an update to last year's timelines, he updated the information, and presented it in a new style.  Timeline of Fraughtia Regions "A History of Minecraft Communities: Fraughtia Timeline 2021" shows off the rich history of Fraughtia and its related communities. Covering the 8 year existence of the community, this timeline showcases the history and relationship between each region.  Timeline of Fraughtia Government "A Timeline of Fraughtia Government: Fraughtia Timeline 2021" shows off the history of the government system in Fraughtia. Showing off when each branch of power changed, or was reformed, this timeline compresses 8 years of Fraughtian history into a simple chart.
Recent posts

A History of the Central Minecraft Region

The following is a video explaining the history of the Central Minecraft Region (CMR). Additionally, here is a timeline of CMR events:

Modification to the ROTC; Guardianship Allowed to Remove Judges

On December 5, a proposal was passed that gave the guardianship ability to censor and remove judges, with a simple majority vote. At maximum, the guardian ship may censor a judge with a maximum of a Tier 3 Censor, which is one week long. While it was specified that they may only execute this 3 times a month, it allows specifies they may execute it more than that.  Additionally, this new provision allows the guardianship to remove judges, with only a simple majority vote. 

Gaming Goodies becomes Monetized; releases Christmas Merch

On September 12th, the Gaming Goodies YouTube channel surpassed the requirements for monetization. The channel achieved 1,000 subscribers on December 5th of 2019, and has been steadily growing since then. Currently, the channel has 1,600 subscribers. The channel reached 4,000 watch hours in early September, a requirement for monetization.  Since the channel became monetized, he started releasing 3 videos weekly, usually a treasure wars, among us, or rocket league video. Gaming Goodies has indicated that it plans on changing its schedule in 2021, moving to a single video weekly, and putting more editing into each. The channel now has over 77 thousand total views. Limited Edition "Gifting Goodies" Merch Example of a "Gifting Goodies" shirt After Gaming Goodies' "Gaming Spookies" merch promotion, he released his new "gifting goodies" merch. Gifting goodies is christmas- and holiday-themed merch, centered around the channel. The promotion will e...

Caveton Governor Repeals CUSS Act

On July 23rd, Caveton Governor FraughtMovie, took executive action to repeal the Caveton Uniserverism and Safepass System (CUSS Act). This was highly criticized by the Caveton Royal Council, who unanimously voted it into law 10 days prior. FraughtMovie, having repealed it community-wide, did not want uniserverism in Caveton. There was discussion within the council to remove FraughtMovie as governor, but no action was taken.  Read our previous post for more information on the CUSS Act here: Caveton Passes the Caveton Uniserverism and Safepass System .

Caveton passes the Caveton Uniserverism and Safepass System

On July 14th, the Royal Council of Caveton passed the Caveton Uniserverism and Safepass System, known as the CUSS Act, with overwhelming support. Being introduced by Packerfan Gamer on a few hours after the Fraughtian President repealed uniserverism. You can read more about that in our previous post . The CUSS Act introduces the unitopicism proposal that Packerfan Gamer was supporting throughout the uniserverism protests. GayMerMan4REALZ expressed great interest in supporting the CUSS Act, claiming that Caveton needed to keep uniserverism in order to protect itself.  The CUSS Act would prevent members of any Fraughtian minecraft region from joining Caveton. Additionally, it restricts Cavetonites from joining any other Fraughtian minecraft region.  You can view a copy of the CUSS Act here:

Fraughtian President Repeals Uniserverism, takes Imminent Domain

On July 13th, Fraughtian President FraughtMovie took imminent domain and repealed uniserverism. This came after a month of debate within the community. LostNuke was the main person pushing for its full dissolution. Packerfan Gamer, on the otherhand, suggested his "unitopicism" proposal, wherein members couldn't be in two servers with similar concepts. GayMerMan4REALZ pushed hard to keep the status quo, fearing that the community would regress back to an inactive form.

Election Fraud in Caveton Election for Prime Minister, Electoral Jury Steps in

On the 12th of July, Caveton Governor, FraughtMovie, opened the position of Prime Minister, and started an election. 2 people ran, Bray❤ and KylieJuno21. Bray❤ used an alt account to try to gain an advantage in the election. PackerfanGamer0 discovered this, and immediately notified the Electoral Jury and started a case against candidate Bray❤. Electoral Juror, JackTheGamingGuy was assigned to the case and found Bray❤ guilty of election fraud. Bray❤ had to step down, and could never hold a position of power ever again in Fraughtia. This left KylieJuno21 as the sole candidate, which meant she automatically won. On July 13th, she became Caveton's first Prime Minister.  Verdict made by EJ: Evidence provided by PackerfanGamer0

Electoral Jury Votes to Change ROTC and Interprets Annexation Terms

The Electoral Jury was asked to interpret the Terms for Annexation after Dragon's Den left the Fraughtian Community. Electoral Juror JackTheGamingGuy decided on June 25, both the interpretation of the Terms for Annexation, and voted to change the wording of section 3.3. in the ROTC. This decision establishes precedent for future regions leaving the Fraughtian Community. Regions will only need 66.6% of the votes in their referendum to leave the community. Previously the Fraughian President interpreted it as 66.6% of the total server's members, but understood the confusion with the term "population", which made him turn to the EJ for assistance. 

New Realm Opening in Caveton

FraughtMovie, Governor of Caveton, has announced a new realm coming to Caveton. He held a vote on what the realm should be about. The winner was Town Roleplay. FraughtMovie and a few members are brainstorming how to make this into a realm. They don't want to rely on moderators to be active at all times, so they require it to be entirely automated. With the limitations of Minecraft command blocks, this limits the scope of the new realm. If the Town Roleplay idea doesn't work, they will turn to regular survival. We have yet to see what FraughtMovie will create for the realm. 

Electoral Jury Gives Verdict on Raymes' Case Against Fraughtian President

After the improper handling of Dragon's Den's referendum to leave the community, Fraughtian President, FraughtMovie, removed Raymes as an Electoral Juror, and invited 3 different people to become Electoral Jurors. This new Electoral Jury was responsible for hearing the case of Raymes vs. the Fraughtian President. Both sides brought their arguments, and it was up to the Electoral Jury to decide. Electoral Juror, JackTheGamingGuy made the final verdict. Raymes lost his position as EJ, Raymes has conditional membership, and is subject to a tier 2 ban from the Fraughtian Community. A tier 2 ban has a duration of 24 hours. Electoral Juror JackTheGamingGuy gave his reasoning: "Under section 3 of the Terms for Annexation. Not allowing the vote to end, and not being impartial is not proper procedure."